Detailed info can be found in the Regione Piemonte website about Piemonte Film Tv Fund, a funding scheme launched in 2018 providing from 2023 4 milion euros every year to support production in Regione Piemonte of feature films, TV movies and Tv series, with a maximum of 400,000 euro per single project.
More information on the Regione Piemonte website here e here.
News about Piemonte Film Tv Fund here.
Regione Piemonte
Assessorato alla Cultura, Turismo e Commercio
Direzione Cultura e Commercio
Settore Promozione delle Attività culturali
Via Nizza 330 – 10127
Torino - Italia
Angelo Gilardi
Technical help for online applications:
+39 011 0824407
Last update
11 July 2023