Be first. Be positive, because anything that can be thought of can be done if you have courage. To be brave, because limits do not exist, if you are ready to create change. Be creative, because some stories can move consciences if you know how to get excited. Be exciting, because a video that goes around the world is a story that has no boundaries. We are all this because we want to act to improve the world that surrounds us and that does not let us sleep, we want to address the issues of poverty, social inequality, pollution, lack of information and education, to create a better reality, which inspires those who watch us be better. We do this by creating content that touches the conscience, telling true stories, giving voice to those who have something to say, creating a deep intimacy, almost a symbiosis, with those who watch us. We do this because dedicating our lives to creating, experimenting, innovating, dreaming, moving is more than just our job: it's our goal, our mission.

Main production
Secondary production
Short films
Tv series
Feature films
Established in
Fabrizio Cecioni
Recent works

I Colibrì dell'Oceano (documentario, 50')
Un viaggio a bordo del veliero “Kraken” per scoprire l’impatto che ha provocato oggi l’uomo sul mare. L’equipaggio e gli eco-volontari dell’associazione “Wings of the Ocean” ci raccontano come proteggere l’equilibrio e la biodiversità dell’ambiente marino. Conservare e utilizzare in modo durevole gli oceani, i mari e le risorse marine per uno sviluppo sostenibile è uno degli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) che vogliamo sostenere e raccontare attraverso questo documentario. Spiegare come e perché agire è importante. Questi volontari proteggono noi e i nostri oceani e ci spiegano come farlo in modo semplice e concreto.
Trailer qui

Last update: 22 January 2021