In 2011 film director Luisa Porrino, founds the production company Fargo Entertainment, which is based in Rome and Biella. Fargo has produced experimental projects, both for the contents and for the financial and commercial solutions adopted from time to time. It has produced for Fox International Channel two experimental web series, Alteregay by Lucio Lepri and Simone Bonacci and Trans by Marco Costa, and other pilot projects, some short films (such as Content Zero) funded by the Presidency of the Lazio Region. In 2017, the production started in 2015 ends and the documentary film Porto il Velo Adoro i Queen (Rock’n’Roll Hijab) it's distributed in theatres, a debut feature by Luisa Porrino, awarded with the Mibact development fund, and with a research grant by the US Embassy, distributed in over 60 theaters and sold to National Geographic for 16 foreign territories, and to Austria ORF National Public Tv. The film participated in various festivals including the RIFF and Idfa. Released in March 2017, the film is still requested in national theatres. In 2017, Fargo produces the documentary, Codici d’amore (Love Codes) directed by S. Paoletta and Harvinder Singh, winner of the Mibact Migrarti Fund, presented at the 2017 Venice International Film Festival and selected for the 2018 Silver Ribbons. In the summer of 2018 Fargo coproduce the short film Di chi è la terra? Written and directed by Daniela Giordano, winner of the Best Music award at the Mumbay International Short Film Festival 2018 and now in competition at other international and national festivals including the selection in the Schools Program of Sotto Diciotto Festival. The film with the working title Debt, an experimental sci-fi work written and directed by Candido Torchio, it’s scheduled for shooting in 2019. The film is shot in english and it’s intended for the international market and will be ready in 2020. In April 2019 the film with the working title Confine Nord Tramonto a Ovest, (North West Sunset Border) written by Luisa Porrino and Marco Panichella, was selected at the Co-production Development Atelier in Marseille (Fr) and it won the Prix Region Sud de la Coproduction Méditerranéene, the award is supported by Region Sud, city of Marseille, CNC, Institut Francaise.

Main production
Feature films
Secondary production
Short films
Established in
Italian, english
Luisa Porrino
Recent works

Di chi è la terra? di Daniela Giordano - Cortometraggio 2018
Codici d'Amore di Saverio Paoletta e Harvinder Singh - Documentario 2018
Porto il Velo Adoro i Queen di Luisa Porrino - Film documentario 2017

Last update: 06 June 2019