We are a company based in Nichelino (Turin), and we work with vintage American cars (restoration and importation). We have an interesting collection of rare cars that we’d like to lend to the movie productions to shoot some scenes in Turin (or somewhere else if needed!). In particular, we have the original Dodge Charger R/T that appears in the first Fast and Furious movie. Here is out website www.2000motors.it and the page to our museum https://www.2000motors.it/index.php/it/altro/museo where we keep our most famous cars, some of them used in several movies, and other famous muscle cars. We’d be really glad to lend our vehicles for movies!

Main activity
Noleggio veicoli d’epoca
Secondary activities
Noleggio veicoli d’epoca
Established in
Raffaele Corneo
Recent works
Last update: 06 June 2024