Willie Peyote describes himself as a "an unemployed nihilist from Turin because rapper sounds dumbass and singer-songwriter is like Festa dell'Unità (Unity party)." A kaleidoscopic portrait of the artist unfolds through his daily life, characterized by music, friendships, encounters, thoughts, and uncomfortable stances. With his city, Turin, there is a mutual love. The film is an intimate, non-celebratory portrayal, representing an authentic and consistent way of navigating the show business landscape. It serves as a hope that is already a source of joy for young fans.

With this film, the primary aim is to narrate the artist, rapper, and singer Willie Peyote. What makes it intriguing is that Willie is an author, expressing ideas, tackling contemporary and thorny issues in his songs. His role as an artist is conceived with the awareness of being a figure in the spotlight within a context where often expressing one's ideas can be frightening. It is frightening due to potential reactions on social media, in the press, and even from his own audience. It's also frightening for your career. A film about Willie is a film about navigating the world as a singer, an intimate exploration of a thought that inevitably transforms magically into a song. It's the portrait of a successful outsider, not a beautiful loser. Willie is liked and successful, and amidst a sea of empty or, worse, unacceptable music messages, this film is a beacon of hope, especially for the youth –those who gather by the thousands beneath his stage all across Italy.

Director of photography
Raffaele Diacono, Martino Pellion Di Persano
Film Editor
Original Music
Willie Peyote
Carlo Bertosso
Cast and characters

Willie Peyote

Production Director
Executive production
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Doc Film Fund - sviluppo dicembre 2023
Assistente al montaggio
Anastasiya Shostak
Last update: 05 December 2024