Cristoforo Gorno, Natasha Lusenti, Fabio Bottiglione
Director of photography
Saverio Corsaro (Direttore della fotografia)
Film Editor
Pierfrancesco Marinaelli
Production Director
Luigi Mascolo
Executive Producer
Edoardo Menicucci
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte
Discover more on film locations
Commercial buildings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Castles, villas and palazzi, Natural landscape features
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Places of worship
Torino (TO)
centro storico, Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
centro storico, Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Infrastructures, Monuments
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Commercial buildings, Industrial buildings, Institutional buildings, Infrastructures, Entertainment production
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Institutional buildings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Castles, villas and palazzi, Institutional buildings
Torino (TO)
Places of worship, Institutional buildings
Torino (TO)
Institutional buildings
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Castles, villas and palazzi, Natural landscape features
Torino (TO)
Castles, villas and palazzi
Torino (TO)
Urban surroundings, Castles, villas and palazzi, Institutional buildings
Torino (TO)
Last update: 18 November 2023