A White Space is the story of an incredible journey that starting from Italy arrives in the heart of today's Siberia on the road that from lithuania, germany, poland and more generally from the territories of the former ussr, led to the infamous gulag 57 , in the company of four former prisoners.
The protagonists will find themselves immersed in a world with a ghostly air, covered by an endless blanket of white snow that hides memories in its stillness and makes screams muffled.
It is in the carriage of a carriage on the Trans-Siberian railway that the voices and echoes of a past charged at the same time with extreme horror and humanity re-emerge, which the whole world today seems to have wanted to forget.
A White Space is a journey into the memory and the meanders of the soul of human beings who have shared an indelible and gruesome past to which they will remain forever linked. A White Space in which unspeakable truths accumulated inexhaustibly. A White Space in which thousands of innocents were locked up in the gulags and condemned to a fate of ghosts: a journey into the horror of the Russian gulags.