Game of the Year is an ensemble observational documentary chronicling the daily lives and struggles of ten people involved in the gaming industry in Italy. Developers, pro-gamers, content creators: GotY, filmed over eighteen months all over the country, offers an intimate look at a community of people who chose videogames to express themselves. From indie designers working from their mom’s house to successful YouTubers with millions of followers, from aspiring pro-gamers working two jobs to globetrotting world champions, GotY is a story of dreams, trophies and failures set against the backdrop of the biggest entertainment industry in the world.
The film has a choral layout, with some main characters supporting the structure, others secondary in color and information. In the montage we will build paths in three acts for each character, articulating the progression of the story through thematic micro-chapters that will address both the aspects of the videogame medium and the path of dreams and ambitions typical of the digital generation. The language will be laid and elegant, far from the traditional hand-held camera setting.
Orash Rahnema (Color Correction); Francesco Fossetti (Consulente alla sceneggiatura)
Fabio Bortolotti, Simone Rosi, Alena Zueva, Alessandro Allocco, Matteo Corradini, Diego Sacchetti, Davide Isimbaldi, Simone Granata, Antonella Bovino, Mattia Attrice, Francesco Miceli, Michele Poggi, Giuseppe Mancini, Francesca Zacchia, Riccardo Romiti.