The incredible friendship between Emanuele, the only son of a family of doctors, and Rinaldo, an old farmer who had no children. Rinaldo decides to postpone his death to teach Emanuele to "read nature" and realize his dream, to become a farmer, despite his family’s wishes and society’s pressures.
A few years ago I received an email from a 23 year old student of Agriculture who lives in Rosignano. Emanuele saw some of my previous works: “Memo interviews” with old people from Monferrato, a series about the value of memory, and “Monferrato, a land of young people and stories” a docuseries, whose protagonists, young Monferrato farmers, present themselves as witnesses of the upcoming “green revolution”. Emanuele also wishes to tell about his personal 'revolution'. He writes me. The story of this extraordinary friendship with Rinaldo, an old farmer so apparently distant from him for age (85 years) and social background, excites me. It talks about topics such as self-research and realization, or about our relation with nature, topics that strike my attention immediately.