The web series Blind Fate, a mix between Twin Peaks and Silent Hill, is a project stemming out of an idea by Claudio Braggio and Max Chicco, who want to show the peculiarities of lower Piedmont in an unconventional way. “We thought that the web was the most appropriate medium to develop a plot where elements of the real territory mixed with fiction, so as to let our fantasy free to create.” - says Max Chicco (producer and director of the series) - “One day, as we were location scouting in a small village, we heard a furious discussion between a young man and an old truffle searcher who were arguing about money. I wasn't struck by the discussion itself, but by the visible pain that the young man felt.”
This is how the idea of Blind Fate was born, with the aim of telling the story of the Italian province, a hidden and invisible side of this country which is at the same time so full of insights into an untold world. “Blending daily life routine – even the boring one – with old legends transmitted orally from one generation to another, as told by our grandmothers, bearing in mind that suspense and the relationship between the characters were the themes we wanted to develop.”
Miriam and Edoardo are two “eye-witnesses”. Their wandering in this beautiful land allows the spectator to become a character of the story itself. Through the eyes of the two protagonists the audience can live first hand their anxiety, expectations, fears.
Miriam and Edoardo will enter a tunnel of secrets, fear, and gruesome discoveries, later becoming victims themselves, in a shocking and unpredictable finale.
(Assistente di produzione) Alice Locuratolo, (Macchinista/Grip) Marco Piretto, (Elettricisti/Gaffers) Stefano Gavinelli, Daniele Capello, (Best Boy/Runner) Francesco Calabrò, (Fotografa di scena) Maria Vernetti, (Adattamento/Adaptation english version) Tom Corradini
Alessia Olivetti, Eugenio Gradabosco, Margherita Fumero, Franco Barbero, Ettore Scarpa, Giancarlo Colia, Mariangela Cottone, Pietro Di Legami, Vittorio Eterno, Daniela Freguglia, Giorgia Lorusso, Giorgio Perona, Elena Savio, Fabrizio Scarpa, Claudio Vernetti