After two referendum, Italy is known as a nuclear-free country.
What few people know is that the traces of nuclear first plants are still menacing an entire community.
Saluggia, in Piedmont, 40 km away from Turin, is the place where 85% of Italian nuclear waste is stored.
In Saluggia, techniques to recuperate uranium and plutonium from the irradiated bars of fuel had been experimented up until the 80’s. In such a way most of the national waste arrived there to be reprocessed. Still today, few meter's away from the Dora Baltea river, the liquid residue of the treatment - which is the most dangerous waste - is stored.
In 2000, during an extreme rainfall, the river Dora flooded the nuclear plants. Nobel Prize for Physics Carlo Rubbia, at that time ENEA President, spoke of a “planetary disaster come close”.
While the government continues to delay the building of a national repository of radioactive waste, in Saluggia, in an area even closer to the river, a new "temporary" store, the D2, is under construction.
The documentary aims to tell, on the one hand, the history of the nuclear Piedmont season and the heavy heritage for our
territory, on the other hand, the events in the coming months that will decide the destiny of the D2 repository and the future
of Italian radioactive waste. We believe it is important to tell the story of a site whose activity is unknown even to most people who live a few miles away, whose mysteries are protected by military secret. We feel a responsibility to give
voice to those who, with passion and determination, have devoted much of their lives to provide information about the
risks involved in maintaining, by inertia, the radioactive waste in such a dangerous area. At the risk of polluting the water resources, one of the most valuable assets for our future. We
will compare the conflicting views of environmental activists and local government officials, scientists and managers.
Uranium Film Festival - Berlino, settembre 2015
Mediterraneo Video Festival - Agropoli (SA), settembre 2015
Sardinia Film Festival - Villanova Monteleone (SS), agosto 2015
Clorofilla Film Festival - Grossetto, agosto 2015
Siciliambiente Documentary Film Festival | Premio miglio documentario per il Pubblico - San Vito Lo Capo (TP), luglio 2015
Genova Film Festival - Genova, luglio 2015
Sisak Ecologic Film Festival - Sisak (Croazia), giugno 2015
EFFA Environmental Film Festival Albania - Tirana (Albania), maggio 2015
Uranium Film Festival - Rio De Janeiro (Brasile), giugno 2015; Quebec City (Canada), aprile 2015
Cinema Planeta - Cuernavaca (Messico), aprile 2015
Valsusa Filmfest | Menzione speciale Concorso MEMORIA STORICA - Condove (TO), aprile 2015
FReDD - Toulouse (Francia), aprile 2015
Sguardi Altrove - Milano, marzo 2015
Premio Libero Bizzarri - San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), luglio 2014
Cinemambiente - Torino, giugno 2014