The documentary "Valetti. The Forgotten Hero" by H12 FILM retraces the brief and intense sporting career of Giovanni Valetti, the 1938 winner of both the Giro d’Italia and the Tour de Suisse. In 1939 he did it again in the Giro, beating a certain Gino Bartali. Then came war, dropping out of pro cycling and going back to the factory as a simple FIAT worker. Giovanni Valetti, an ace of cycling in the Thirties who, despite incredible victories and achievements, fell into a gray area of collective memory. A champion who knew how to speak with actions during a time of sweat, toil and low wages. And who also kept quiet with dignity. One big look at the Thirties in Italy and at the most beloved sport, cycling, which delights crowds with its unique charm and its larger-than-life champions.

“An archive research, based on many newspapers and articles, but with not many films and photographs available. A research enriched with interviews, graphic and cinematographic reconstructions, such as the dirt road of Colle delle Finestre where the atmosphere of that remote heroic cycling has been recreated. Valetti, the champion who is unknown, ignored, neglected, mysterious. In short: forgotten. The H12 team resurrect a champion and frame him in his time: the period of fascism, but also the period of simplicity and essentiality in everyday life. Needful requirements when you have to pedal for your own existence. The final portrait is historical, affectionate, respectful, educational ". [Marco Pastonesi]

Lucio Lionello, Gabriele Monaco, Simone Gigiaro
Gabriele Monaco, Lucio Lionello, Simone Gigiaro
Director of photography
Timothy Heys Cerchio
Film Editor
Original Music
Polveriera Nobel
Altri credits

Daniele Mattiuzzi (Montaggio audio e Missaggio del suono); Andrea Cremisi (Consulenza musicale); Patrizia Giangrand, Domenico Brioschi, Carlo Nigra, Lucio Lionello (Doppiaggio); Omar Arturo Bianco (Illustratore); Steven Maasland (Traduzioni); Studio Wave Life (Studio di registrazione); Archivio Storico Istituto Luce, Gaumont Pathé Archives (Materiale d'archivio).

Cast and characters

Andrea Bartali, Marco Bolle, Christian Cappelletto, Mario Cionfoli, Beppe Conti, Carlo Delfino, Claudio Gregori, Alfredo Martini, Marco Pastonesi, Carlo Valetti. Carletto Valetti, Nori Valetti.

Production Director
Gabriele Monaco
Organizzatore generale
Associazione Culturale H12
Executive production
Simone Gigiaro
Associazione Culturale H12 (Vinovo, TO)
con il sostegno della Film Commission Torino Piemonte - Piemonte Doc Film Fund - sviluppo dicembre 2012, "Under 30": nell’ambito dell’accordo tra il Dipartimento della Gioventù della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e la Regione Piemonte
Istituto Luce
Festival - markets - events

Guirlande d'Honneur Sport Movies & Tv. Ficts Festival 2013; Miglior Montaggio e Miglior Sceneggiatura 35° Sport Film Festival Di Palermo; Premio Pindaro Overtime Film Festival 2014; in concorso al Bcn Sports Film – Barcellona International Ficts Festival; in concorso Valdarno Cinema 2014; in concorso Voghera Film Festival 2014; in concorso 4th Sestriere Film Festival; in concorso Artaud Film Festival 2014.

Gabriele Monaco
Last update: 24 September 2020