The documentary is freely inspired by the book “Less 100 kilos – Recipes for the diet of our trashbin”, published by Edizioni Ambiente of Milan, edited in September 2011, Kafka award Italy, 4 publishings in 4 four months. The book is inspired at its turn by a monologue with the same title which received a lot of approvals.
The story is written by the book author, Roberto Cavallo, during last December and January and during February it is read by Emanuele Caruso e Marco Domenicale.
The documentary is developed from 2 perspectives: the documentary itself, based upon the travel of the Expert of Wastes (Roberto Cavallo) and the disbelieving Senator (Andrea Fluttero) and the introduction based upon the dialogue between the father and his daughter concerning wastes problem and the chance to reduce them through small daily actions.

The project has a high social value, because it contributes in a vital way to keep up to date the debate about a particular deep emergency in some places of Italy such as the one concerning the waste management. This target fits with the European guide lines contained in the 98/2008 directive, that clarify that the first aim in terms of wastes is their quantitative reduction, aim that the documentary, with all the advice to reduce the wastes, contributes to achieve. From a cultural point of view, surely the project features strong educational purposes, both regarding issues linked tight to wastes, both for the issues concerning the environmental protection in a wider sense, such as the impact of the CO2 emissions in the atmosphere by the product and waste life cycles. Concerning this last issue, the creation of an environmental culture more aware within the public opinion is surely something characterizing the entire project.

Roberto Cavallo, Marco Domenicale
Roberto Cavallo, Marco Domenicale
Director of photography
Corrado Morando
Film Editor
Emanuele Caruso con Moca Film e Silvia Fessia
Original Music
Filippo Cosentino, Gian Maria Testa
Cast and characters
Roberto Cavallo, Andrea Fluttero, Giuseppe Cederna, Luca Mercalli, Cristina Gabetti, Mario Tozzi, Oliviero Corbetta
Production Director
Roberto Cavallo
Organizzatore generale
Roberto Cavallo
Executive production
Roberto Cavallo
AICA - Associazione Internazionale per la Comunicazione Ambientale (Alba, CN)
(Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - produzione giugno 2012).
Emanuele Biestro M +39 334 1515420
Last update: 16 March 2017