An incisive portrait of life aboard a Sicilian fishing vessel, the film depicts the daily struggle of fishermen to earn a living in a harsh physical environment that brings out the social and economic tensions of modern society.
Manning the Priamo are Cola, the captain, Ahmed, the Tunisian first mate, two Italian engineers, and two Tunisian seamen. At sea for three weeks at a time, they fish off the coasts of Libya and Tunisia, sometimes outside the fishing limits and risking interception by the authorities.
An intimate account of remoteness: after a few days on shore, the men leave their homes and families for a month. Night and day the nets are cast every four hours; the work is demanding and poorly paid; the quarters are cramped and uncomfortable; conflicts and prejudices surface amidst the roar of the engines and the sea. Beyond the horizon lies Africa, where immigrants embark for Europe, leaving their homes and families behind in the hope of finding a better life.
Best DOC - Rencontres Cinéma-Nature 2014
Prix du Festival - Pêcheurs du Monde Fest 2014
Jury Prize - 2.1 Arcipelago Film Fest 2013
Best DOC - V LampedusaInFestival, 2013
Best DOC - VI Etno Film Fest, 2013
Jury Special Mention - Sguardi Altrove, 2013
Audience Award - VI Salina Doc Fest, 2012
Athens Ethno Film Fest, 2013
Festival Cinema Africano, 2013
Baghdad Int Film Fest, 2013
Festival Film de Femmes, 2013
Euroekofest Greenwave, 2013
Labour Film Fest, 2013
Aiace Summer Edition, 2013
Genova Film Fest, 2013
Premio Libero Bizzarri, 2013
Cinemambiente Film Fest, 2013
Bellaria Film Fest, 2013
Bergamo Film Meeting, 2013
World Film Tartu, 2013
Visioni Italiane, 2013
Fipatel, 2013
(Sviluppo / Development, 2009)
Atene (Grecia) - Greek Documentary Lab for Co-productions
Lisbona (Portogallo) - Doc Lisboa
Torino (Italia) - European Days