“Piazza Garibaldi” is the place‐name you come across in any Italian city. It is the metaphor of the country and its history. As in the case of his successful, award‐winning film La strada di Levi (Primo Levi’s Journey), Ferrario sets out on a journey: this time on the tracks of the expedition of the “Mille” (the Thousand). The goal: examine the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, once the “City of the Thousand” and today a Padanian stronghold, and all the way to Teano. The journey is full of surprises, encounters and reflections. A great road movie through the history and geography of a country, in the attempt to find an answer to a pressing question: why are we Italians no longer able to see a future for ourselves?

Written by Ferrario and Giorgio Mastrorocco starting from an idea by Marco Belpoliti, the documentary film sees the special participation of Marco Paolini, Luciana Littizzetto, Filippo Timi and Salvatore Cantalupo.

Davide Ferrario
Davide Ferrario, Giorgio Mastrorocco
Davide Ferrario e Giorgio Mastrorocco
Director of photography
Film Editor
Claudio Cormio
Original Music
Giuseppe Verdi
Vito Martinelli (Fonico di presa diretta e Montatore del suono); Roberto Gambotto Remorino (Fonico).
Altri credits

Salt & Lemon (Servizi di produzione e post produzione)

Cast and characters

Filippo Timi, Marco Paolini, Salvatore Cantalupo, Luciana Littizzetto

Organizzatore generale
Executive production
Francesca Bocca
Rossofuoco (Torino)
in collaborazione con Rai Cinema e con il sostegno della Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte. Il documentario è realizzato in occasione dei 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia.
Cinecittà Luce
International sales
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Uscita nei cinema: 4 novembre 2011

In concorso al Festival di Venezia 2011 sezione Controcampo Italiano

Last update: 22 January 2021