The GDP dogma rules unchallenged media, politics and public opinion: development equals growth, and growth can only be a result of an increased Gross Domestic Product. However, many disagree with  that. Not just economists, scientists and  opinion-makers, but many lay-people, who try in their everyday lives to distance themselves from that assumption, and to adopt a  different lifestyle. People who choose  to  live without following the “compulsory”  myth of endless growth. People who daily choose to apply, in different ways and situations, the concept of  “degrowth”.
This film is a  journey across Italy to  unveil these stories. Five surprising and exemplary stories will help us to better understand what “degrowth” really means, and how it is easier than we think to break free from the GDP dogma and to begin building a fairer  society, starting  from our own lives.

The film is the result of the professional activity and personal interest of the authors, who have challenged, with different modalities, the GDP dogma and explored its alternatives. Fioramonti  has contributed to the creation of indexes other than the GDP, and for the last decade has been working on local development and participation. Bertaglio brings in his wide experience of the web of local projects and centres of the “Movement for a happy degrowth” (Movimento per la  Decrescita Felice, MDF) in Italy.
Stefano Cavallotto has many years of experience as film-maker and producer of documentaries about ecological sustainability, civic engagement and social participation.
We plan to produce a DVD to be added to a special edition of one of the national newspapers, as well as to be sold by the main bookshops, fair-trade  shops and any over relevant venue. The film will be shown at the main festivals across Italy and Europe.
We also aim to show it in schools, universities, charities and other organizations, and to offer it to the main TV channels.

Andrea Bertaglio, Lorenzo Fioramonti
Andrea Bertaglio, Stefano Cavallotto, Lorenzo Fioramonti
Film Editor
Roberto Allegro
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - sviluppo dicembre 2010)
Festival - markets - events

Prix du jury Festival FREDD 2015 / Prix du Colibri!
Festival Film Recherche et Développement Durable | 5ème édition (30/3-10/4/2015, Toulouse, France)

3 luglio 2014 Cuneo - Cinema Monviso, "Nuovi Mondi Film Festival"

Stefano Cavallotto
Last update: 23 April 2015