The story of the fortunate migration by Dino Pogolotti, born in Giaveno (Italy), leaving his own country at the end of the Ninetieth Century to join Cuba via New York. In the Caribbean island, Pogolotti will become a real estate entrepreneur, developing in 1911 what is still known today as the "Barrio Pogolotti". It is a working-class neighborhood, based on the European social housing model, and characterized by an autonomous afro-Caribbean cultural identity. This family tale will continue between both sides of the Atlantic ocean, with Marcelo, talented avant-garde painter during the '30s, and the granddaughter Graciela, pivotal intellectual of today's Cuba. The domestic saga will intersect with the history of Havana city and the Barrio, depicted through its residents portraits.
(in sviluppo) Giornate Europee del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo
10/12/2010 La Habana (Cuba) Festival del Nuevo CineLatinoamericano