February 2008. A group of volunteers working in the field of the international cooperation is on the way to Oualia, a council in Mali 300 Km away from the capital, Bamako. The train they are travelling on during their journey across Africa is ruled by a feeling of slowness and uncertainty. " Likely time of arrival": this is what you can read on the blackboards in the railway stations, in a land where planning is not allowed. Thus opens "Harmattan", an "on the road" documentary which shows, from the standpoints of the volunteers and of the people from Oualia, two worlds which meet and try to understand each other, without being too much of a nuisance. Harmattan is the name of the dry wind of Mali, a chaotic wind which blows in no particular direction and which embodies Africa's contradictions.

Alberto Puliafito
Fulvio Nebbia, Alberto Puliafito
Alberto Puliafito, Michela Sessa
Film Editor
Michela Sessa
Original Music
Alessandro Zangrossi
Originali indigene in presa diretta - La canzone “Olidei” è di Alessandro Zangrossi, per gentile concessione dell'autore
Alessandro Zangrossi (presa diretta) - Davide Favargiotti (montaggio del suono, sound design e mix)
Altri credits
Fulvio Nebbia, Alberto Puliafito (operatori di ripresa) - Michele Ricossa (colorist) - BabyDoc Film s.n.c. (titoli e sottotitoli)
Cast and characters
Michela Castagneri, Silvana Cavallo, Adiala Coulibaly, Oumou Colibaly, Lucrezia D'Antuono, Nino De Amicis, Fanta Diaby, Yacouba Diakite, Modibo Diarra, Kanko Fofana, Moussa Fofana, Raffaella Fusaro, Paolo Giglio, Boubacar S Kanté, Ali Kouran Keita, Amina Keita, Valeria Matteucci, Sambou Sakiliba, Ousmane Samaké, Fadialla Sissoko, Mahamadi Sissoko, Moctar Foulani Sissoko, Sambou Mariko Sissoko, Enrico Tavan, Mahamadou Thierò, Tidiana Wague, Alessandro Zangrossi
Executive production
Fulvio Nebbia
Fulvio Nebbia - Alberto Puliafito
iK Produzioni (Torino)
con il sostegno di Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - post produzione settembre 2008) e in collaborazione con Re.Co.Sol. - Rete dei Comuni Solidali.
Festival - markets - events

11/10/2009 Grottammare (AP) Premio Libero Bizzarri - Il nostro tempo è ora - DOC Film Festival - in concorso.
30/09/2009 Annecy (FR) Festival Annecy Cinéma Italien.
04/10/2009 Annecy (FR) Festival Annecy Cinéma Italien.
8/2009 Enaoli (GR) Clorofilla Film Festival.
7/2009 Assisi Flower Film Festival - Concorso "Silver Flower".   
3/2009 Torino Piemonte Movie 2009 - Un anno di cinema sotto la Mole.
3/2009 Bardonecchia-Condove (To) - Valsusa Filmfest.

Clorofilla Film Festival.
Flower Film Festival.

IK Produzioni
Last update: 03 April 2020