A journey in search of musical tradition in the Langa
told by the people faces, songs and voices.

The ethnomusicologist Francesca Borgarello travelled for two years through the Langa streets searching for old songs of the oral music tradition. Song by song she has rebuilt a relation plot that time was inexorably erasing. This deep research flows in 2007 into the book publishing entitled “Bundì Bundì deme na strèina a mi”. The documentary follows the last interviews and recordings and composes a puzzle that will succeed in the introduction of the research before an audience.

Bundì Bundì is based on the ethno musicological research by Francesca Borgarello in Alta Langa, edited with the book “Bundì Bundì deme na strina a mi” by cd-nota book edition in 2007. From the book drafts and from the audio recordings outcropped a word, which was pushily asking to be recomposed in a frame. The documentary gives back the environment and the way the meetings were lived as well as the interviews, which enabled to rebuild song by song, a priceless cultural heritage.
Bundì Bundì is a reality movie; there is no narrating voice and interviews are made with semi-subjective shots in order to focus the audience on the songs and on the informers’ faces. Just like music oral tradition, the movie lives on singers’ physical expression, on their mistakes, on their creation of a new strophe, and mostly on their own story. That is why the work does not restrict songs in a definitive version but simply transmits the great passion enlivening the oral song in Alta Langa.

Sandro Carnino e Giulio De Leo
Sandro Carnino e Francesca Borgarello
Sandro Carnino e Francesca Borgarello
Director of photography
Sandro Carnino e Giulio De Leo
Film Editor
Sandro Carnino e Giulio De Leo
Marziano Fontana (Registrazione e missaggio audio)
Sandro Carnino e Giulio De Leo
Altri credits
Francesca Borgarello (Consulenza Musicologica). Arc's di Lino Bergesio (Graphic Design e packaging).
Laura D'Amore per Collettivo Don Quixote
Collettivo Don Quixote Associazione Culturale (Torino)
con il sostegno della Film Commission Torino Piemonte e della Regione Piemonte (Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo regionale per il documentario - post produzione aprile 2008) e della Regione Piemonte - Assessorato alla Montagna
Assistente di produzione
Martina De Marco
Festival - markets - events

- 24/10/2014 Bergolo (CN) Lapis Bergolo Racconta 2014.
- 12/3/2013 Piccolo Cinema, Torino.
- 22/05/2011 Green Box, San Salvario Torino.
- 20/11/2010 Biblioteca Civica Vinovo – Castello “Della Rovere” Festa delle Langhe.
- 18/6/2010 Vergato (BO) proiezione nell'ambito di una rassegna sui cori popolari.
-16/7/2010 - Circolo Arci Mario Dravelli, Borgo San Pietro Cineborgate 'Doc&short'.
- 19/5/2010 Vienna Ethnocineca 2010 - Ethnographic and Documentary Filmfest Vienna.
- 20/4/2010 Cherasco (CN) - Auditorium civico "Cherasco Movie".
- 3/2010 Torino 10° Piemonte Movie Panoramica Doc (Anteprima Locale) Bundì Project.
- 24/11/2009 Diano d'Alba - 'Il Piemonte contadino è…', 2° premio opere multimediali.
- 05/09/2009 Casalborgone (TO) 7° Monfilmfest "Giochi di cinema" - Premio Yary sez. Vetrina di un film di fine estate assegnato dal pubblico.
- 11/07/2009 San Benedetto Belbo (CN) - Auditorium della Fisarmonica (Anteprima).
- (in sviluppo) Torino Giornate Europee del Cinema e dell’Audiovisivo.

Sandro Carnino
Last update: 09 September 2019