14 Giugno 2024

As part of TFL Italia, the Italian initiative that creates bridges between Italian and international productions, TorinoFilmLab launches Boost IT Lab, for the second year in a row.

This short but impactful workshop provides a new generation of professionals with tools and guidance to work internationally and understand how the project can resonate with audiences worldwide. Boost IT Lab targets Italian projects with high potential for international co-production, presented by an Italian production company and international projects seeking Italian production partners, especially those looking for suitable Italian minority partners.

In order to apply, the producers must submit a feature film project (fiction or creative documentary) in development stage. The 8 selected projects’ teams will be involved in a series of residential in-depth sessions between 18th and 21st November in Turin concluding with the industry event TFL ITALIA, held in the frame of TFI Torino Film Industry, that combines pitching sessions and one-to-one meetings. On top of that, the producers will have the chance to attend TFL’s co-production market, the Meeting Event (21st - 23rd November), to further expand their networks.

The workshop features targeted training with experts and mentors, the participants will expand their industry connections, deepen their knowledge, and unlock opportunities for co-productions, markets, and international financing.

Projects must be sent no later than 5th September 2024.

For more details, check out the call for applications.

For any questions: fiore@museocinema.it

Participation fee 2,500 € (plus VAT, if due) per project (max 2 participants per project). Thanks to the support of the TFL’s Partners, some scholarships (full or partial) will be available upon selection to Boost IT Lab 2024. 

TFL Italia – Boost IT Lab 2024 is realised with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Sub-programme, in partnership with Film Centre of Montenegro, ECAM, Apulia Film Commission, and with the collaboration of Film Commission Regione Campania, AGICI, ANICA, Bellaria Film Festival and Milano Film Network.