13 Giugno 2024

The conference “5G towards 6G for CitiVerse: How AI, IoT, Blockchain and XR are driving urban innovation in future Cities & Communities” will take place on the 18th of June 2024, in OGR Torino, Corso Castelfidardo 22.

The event will be focused on showcasing and promoting the debate among Public Authorities, Research and Industry on concrete advancements in the application of 5 to 6G emerging technologies solutions for urban innovation towards the upcoming European paradigm of “CitiVerse”.

MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo is collaborating with the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy in the construction of an experimental technological innovation program extending its dissemination, promotion, and information activities to the audiovisual sector, but also including communication actions aimed at promoting the research projects and innovation programs on emerging technologies, already launched by MIA in the broader context of the creative industries.

The lined up agenda will bring in Turin new perspectives on the immersive production landscape, exploring new ways of storytelling through synergies between VR and Cinema as well as new paths for the distribution of audiovisual works. During the “Immersive and distributed production from TV to Cinema” session, future paradigms of the audiovisual ecosystem within the virtual worlds will be discussed by panelists Luca Vignaroli (Research Center RAI), Tatiana Mazali (Associate Professor, Cinema and Media Engineering at Politecnico di Torino; part of Film Commission Torino Piemonte board), Paolo Manera (Director, Film Commission Torino Piemonte), Sara Tirelli (Director, CSC Immersive Arts) and Voyelle Acker (Producer, Small Studio).

The “Immersive and distributed production from TV to Cinema” panel will be held on Wednesday, June 18th 2024, from 12.25 AM to 1.25 PM. It will be moderated by Gaia Tridente (Director of MIA | International Audiovisual Market).

Main Organizers: City of Turin, through the Innovation and Eu Funds Departments, within the context of “CTE NEXT – Turin House of Emerging Technologies” with partners (TAG, FPI); Turin Chamber of Commerce National Support Organizations; Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy; MIA Market | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo.

International Supporter Networks: 6G IA Network; European Network of Living Labs; Enterprise Europe Network; EIT Urban Mobility; Target audience: Businesses (Corporate, SMEs, Start Ups), Research actors, Public Administrations, Entrepreneurship Support Organizations.

For further information, click here.