23 Maggio 2024

The Venice Production Bridge opened its Call for Projects for the 12th edition of “Final Cut in Venice”, which will take place from September 1-3, 2024, during the 81. Venice International Film Festival (August 28th- September 7th, 2024). Projects must be submitted no later than June 10th.

The 12th edition of this workshop will present 8 quality work-in-progress films coming from all African countries and 5 Middle East countries (Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon) and will give them the opportunity of finding the post-production financing through supporters and the participants.

Since 2013, "Final Cut in Venice" offers concrete assistance in the completion of films from all African countries and from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, and gives producers and directors an opportunity to present films still in production phase to international film professionals and distributors in order to facilitate post-production and promote co-production partnerships and market access. The programme consists in three days of activities, in which the working copies of a maximum of eight selected films are presented to partners, producers, buyers, distributors and film festival programmers.

The programme is also providing prizes in kind or in cash to complete the films, which will be offered by our partners and could include, and not be limited to, color correction, sound mixing, production of DCP, French or English subtitles.

For more info: labiennale.org.

For the application form, click here.

The Venice Production Bridge is co-financed by the European Commission’s MEDIA Fund.