Until September 30th it will be possible to send the application to participate in the second edition of "Guarda che Storia! Racconti per lo Schermo", an initiative that aims to discover original stories with the potential to become a film or a TV series.
The new edition of "Guarda che storia! Racconti per lo schermo" started the last June; an initiative by Film Commission Torino Piemonte and Salone Internazionale del Libro that aims to discover novels and original stories to be adapted for the small or big screen.
The closing of the application was postponed to September 30th, in response to various requests for an extension received during the summer.
It will therefore be possible to apply HERE no later than 12.00 pm on Friday, September 30th, 2022.
"Guarda che storia! Racconti per lo schermo" is an initiative that confirms its main purpose to enhance the creativity and professionalism of authors and publishing houses, aiming to discover original stories that have the characteristics and potential suitable to become a script for the big and small screen.
A call for applications aimed at selecting a maximum number of seven novels published in the last three years and suitable for an adaptation for cinema and television seriality, offering authors and publishing houses the opportunity to present their project to an audience of producers and decision-makers from the national movie and television industry during the 5th edition of the next TFI Torino Film Industry – Production Days (Turin, 24 – 30 November 2022).
Anyone interested can apply by following the instructions in the section "Guarda che Storia!" of the Film Commission Torino Piemonte website and the Salone Internazionale del Libro website: the contestants will be able to present up to 3 literary works published in the three years 2020, 2021, 2022 of any genre (graphic novels included), set explicitly in Piedmont or that can realistically provide for the cinematographic/audiovisual shooting in Piedmont (in whole or in part).
With "Guarda che storia!", the promoters reconfirm their willingness and interest in collaborating by proposing a path aimed at facilitating the dialogue between the publishing world and that of movies and television production: an interesting opportunity for the finalist projects that will allow the selected authors or publishers to benefit free of charge from a path of approach to the audiovisual industry and which will culminate in the "pitching session" during the next TFI Torino Film Industry.
The offer of a training session or a preparation workshop for the final pitch is also confirmed for the 2022 edition - held by an expert in the field - which will allow participants to learn techniques and methods to exhibit their project.
For more information and to download the call for application see HERE
The book of projects of the 7 finalists of the first edition is also available HERE